Marshall plan for moms “mom guilt”

Because what we really want for Mother’s Day is an opportunity to have sex and poop in private, Marshall Plan for Moms is offering a cure for Mom Guilt. To draw attention to the public and private policy change they’re pushing, we tapped into a cultural moment that is known for celebrating moms, yet did it in a way that really recognizes and highlights what moms are actually experiencing.

The satirical interpretation of a stereotypical pharmaceutical ad highlights the tell-tale symptoms of chronic mom guilt and even the likely side effects of the treatment. So talk to your doctor, cousin, barista, letter carrier, bus driver, lover, therpist, and everyone else about Marshall Plan for Moms.

The Good Stuff: Video, social media, guerrilla marketing

Press: Inc. Yahoo/life Forbes Yahoo/news Shoot Campaign US Romper AdAge


“We believe that in order to create a cultural shift and begin to truly see and value moms we need to shine a light on their truths. Fancy helped us tap into the moments all moms face at one time or another (and often all in the same day) by seeing the humor in the reality.”

– Reshma Saujani, Founder and CEO of Marshall Plan for Moms

  see more fancy for good:


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