It’s time to bring the hush-hush into the wide open.
We believe there is no shame, stigma, or anything taboo about being a woman. That said topics like sex, aging, mental health, pleasure, body image, and even finance can be so shrouded in stigma and shame that there’s a careful line brands need to walk in order to advertise products that can make some women uncomfortable while inspiring others to shout from the rooftops.
“As women-centric brands continue to battle censorship…Women-led agencies like Fancy are overcoming these barriers.”
– Adweek
A peek at the Fancy taboo survey
We surveyed 600 women 18+ regarding their feelings about to explore perceptions, opinions, behaviors, and beliefs about topics that have traditionally been considered off-limits or taboo. We also aimed to clarify the marketing landscape for brands that seek women’s attention and spending power. Turns our not everyone felt the same way. Respondents could be classified into three distinct segments, each of which had differing viewpoints and feelings about what should and shouldn’t be kept private and how society and brands played into that.

For a deeper look into the research results, join Fancy co-founder and research partner Susan Baier for a discussion on the three distinct mindsets of women regarding their marketing and purchasing experiences of taboo products and services.