lion’s den “The Knotty List”

While most of the country experienced temperatures well below freezing, Fancy and Lion’s Den turned up the heat with new work that asked viewers why be nice, when you can be knotty? The three videos twisted  the typically saccharine, soft-focus, romantic spot into something a little less about the wrapping and more about the wrapper. 

The Good Stuff: :30, :15 and :06 across connected TV and digital channels


“We love that this spot fits so nicely within our long-standing branding campaign by reminding people to Do it. Everyday!” stated Pete Potenzini, Marketing Director, Lion’s Den. “Even the monotony of wrapping yet another gift this holiday season can be transformed into a moment of sexual connection and pleasure.”

  see more work for lion’s den:


Lion’s Den Rev Up the Romance


Marshall Plan for Moms Mom Guilt