with our focus on women 40+ we are making the invisible, visible.
Quick! Name your favorite ad targeting and starring women over forty. OK, fine, how about any ad targeting and starring women over 40. Targeting or starring? Yeah. Didn’t think so. The reality is that even though this group feels younger, sexier, and cooler than they ever expected, brands are not keeping up. Women over 40 are more engaged, more motivated, more in control of their lives than ever before. Oh, and they have money. Brands that don’t recognize this are missing out.
“Brands/marketers who believe in talking to women through the female lens – especially women 40+ – you need Fancy”
– Cindy Gallop
a taste of the fancy 40+ survey
We surveyed 500 women over 40 regarding their feelings about advertising and marketing, what brands were getting right, and not so right. Women in cities, the suburbs, and the country. Women who are home with the kids, and women who are the primary earners. Women of all ethnicities and salary levels. Women who are married, unmarried, with children and without. Women in lots of different life circumstances. Turns out they had a lot to say.

“Brands don’t seem to have captured the “ageless” feeling that a lot of us feel. Ads for women 40+ are about slowing down... not living incredible lives that we’ve earned and can afford.”
- Fancy Over 40 Survey Respondent
Fancy’s latest survey, in partnership with Health Mavens, a consultancy in Chicago, dove into the what and why of the way women 40-60 make health and wellness decisions. To learn more about this powerful consumer as well as how to connect with her authentically, you’ll have to…
Watch as Fancy co-founder and co-chief creative officer, Erica Fite, distills the findings of our survey into actionable insights brands can use today to increase their relevance with this powerful consumer group.
Adweek_Fancy_voice_Katie Keating_Erica Fite
Adweek, Fancy Focus on Women 40+
Jumble & Flow, Women 40+ Poised To Be The Most Powerful
The Wing, Business of Rebranding Aging Panel

The Morning Cup Podcast

The 3% Conference, Expert Roundtable
Calling All Women Over 40
Survey Shows Women 40+ Have Been Ignored By Advertisers
Introducing Fancy Over 40

Fab at 40 Podcast

Should Your Brand Be Targeting Women Over 40??
The Three Tomatoes Podcast