How we keep Lion’s Den vibrating between the real and digital worlds.

How we keep Lion’s Den vibrating between the real and digital worlds.

Fancy co-founders and co-CCOs, Katie Keating & Erica Fite spoke to a packed house at Adweek Elevate: Creativity, giving the audience a peek behind the curtain at the how and why of normalizing the conversation and moving the cultural needle around women’s sexual health and empowerment. Don’t worry, the video is totally #sfw!

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Why is female pleasure censored?
Fancy POV Katie Keating Fancy POV Katie Keating

Why is female pleasure censored?

It’s something we feel pretty strongly about here at Fancy. Why can we advertise condoms as long as we don’t discuss how they make a woman feel? Why can we advertise a drug to make a man get an erection, and even say *gasp* “erection,” but we can’t advertise a product or even name such a product that’s designed to increase her pleasure?

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Serena Williams wins the Superbowl!
Fancy POV Erica Fite Fancy POV Erica Fite

Serena Williams wins the Superbowl!

The Bumble ad with Serena Williams was a win for women and for the brand. Reminding women that they have the power to make strong proactive choices in their lives made me a Bumble fan, and the colorful, pretty art direction was a nice reminder that, as Serena herself shows us, feminine fun easily lives hand in hand with female power.

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Women’s new cannabis culture
Fancy POV Katie Keating Fancy POV Katie Keating

Women’s new cannabis culture

Women are the caretakers, the investigators, the researchers, the questioners, and the status quo changers when it comes to their own and their family's health. They're looking for alternatives to questionable chemical concoctions and they're open to cannabis. Women are the key to the mainstreaming revolution!

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Start your indie agency now
Fancy POV Erica Fite Fancy POV Erica Fite

Start your indie agency now

After stepping down from the stage at the Ad Age Small Agency Conference, Katie and I let the editors know the good, the bad, and the did-we-really-just-say-that? about agency start-up life. Want to know our deep, dark secrets? Take a look at the video here.

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Is The Way We Portray Women In Advertising Getting Any Better?
Fancy POV Katie Keating Fancy POV Katie Keating

Is The Way We Portray Women In Advertising Getting Any Better?

While there are some standouts, where brands are getting it right (Bravo to you GE, Kraft, and Twitter, though really Twitter, please pay attention to the amount of social media harassment of women happening on the platform and actually do something about it...), but women are still largely portrayed in very specific roles that tend to be deferential to others.

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