Join Women’s Conversations to Create Better Ads
Women often don’t see themselves in the body types, clothing choices, careers, lifestyles, emotions, and more presented in ads. The bar isn’t going to raise itself. It’s up to us. Can’t we create ads that resonate more? As far as we’re concerned, an ad hasn’t done its job unless the women in the audience can say, “I feel seen.”

taboos and gender inequality
Even though people of all genders buy products like cannabis, alcohol, and sex toys, women consistently say they’re treated differently by advertisers—as if they’re not using the same products as their male friends, partners, and brothers. Brands need to ditch their preconceived notions about gender-based consumption.

Increasing the Social Acceptability of Taboo Products and Services
According to our research, women are buying taboo products and services but are often reluctant to discuss these purchases with others. Women want to be understood and see their lives reflected in ads, and when social stigmas keep this from happening, it can prevent them from buying these products and services, discussing their use openly, and becoming brand advocates.

How Social Stigmas Influence Taboo Purchases
Social stigmas are a powerful force in the product and service world, serving as a literal wall between women and their communities. However, brands are uniquely positioned to take that wall down, brick by brick, making it easier for women to talk about products and services that benefit them.

How to sell financial products and services to women
Change isn’t just on the horizon; it’s already here. If you’re a financial advertiser, women’s financial lives are worth your time and energy. Know them, sell to them.

Younger women are more likely to have positive brand perceptions. Here’s why:
Age is not just a number. It’s a guiding light for smart brands that sell products and services to women. But if you limit your understanding to tired demographics you’ll be left wanting for conversions (and losing with women). It’s time we took a holistic look at age.

Harness women’s purchasing power and financial influence
Advertising’s biggest miss is failing to recognize the purchasing power of women. Here’s how you do it right.

600 women will tell you what they really want from brands and how to talk taboos
Advertising has failed to reach women since its inception. Call it stereotypes. Call it too few women steering the ship. But either way, women want you to call it like it is. Women are tired of brand silence on the issues that matter most. Our taboo research proves it.

Fancy releases results of new survey covering feminine taboos
We believe that for too long, the marketing world has ignored women’s lived experiences (and voices). Taboos exist to silence women, surrounding aspects of their lives with stigma and shame. It’s time women have space to say what they want. It’s time we get real and have the conversations women have been trying to have for their entire lives.

When it comes to health & wellness decisions, FemX marks the spot.
Fancy just partnered with Health Mavens on a new survey to dive into the what and why of how FemXers, women 40-60, make their health & wellness decisions.

Want to reach women 40+?
It’s a fact that women over 40 are integral to the consumer economy. They’re heading households, buying for their families, often spending discretionary income on themselves. They’re loyal to their favorite brands and willing to try something new if there’s credible evidence to suggest it will solve a problem, or enhance an experience. But the question remains: how to connect with them in a way that’s interesting, relevant, and most importantly, motivating?

What Are Women Over 40 Worth to Your Marketing Mix?
Remember when it was all Millennials all the time? When the world was swathed in pink and brass gleamed bright. When inspirational sayings scrawled in neon adorned walls and terrazzo covered floors, tables counters and kleenex boxes? Sorry ladies, it’s all about Gen Z now. How quickly a media darling gets pushed to the side when a newer, cuter, younger, sparklier option catches marketing’s eye.

Aging: Finally Coming of Age
Aging is nothing new.
We beings have been doing it since time began. Time passes. We get older. No matter if we’re trees or humans or horses or plankton.
Women, especially, have internalized a societal directive that says stop it, slow it, avoid it, hide it at any cost for, basically, ever.
And that’s powerful.

Women over 40 aren’t who you think they are.
80% of women over 40 feel younger, cooler, or sexier than they expected they’d feel at this age.
Eighty percent. That’s a lot of women who aren’t interested in reliving their youth (misspent or not!). That’s a lot of women who are looking forward to life, not back at it. And, that’s a lot of women who aren’t going to be influenced by advertising playing (and preying) on their insecurities, fears, and anxieties.

To Resonate With Women 40+ Beauty Brands Need to Get Real
Global ad spend in the beauty category is expected to hit well over $15B this year, but who’s really paying attention? Who is absorbing the onslaught of content messaging and predetermined ideals? Turns out, not women over 40.

Should Brands Be Responsible for Debunking Gender Stereotypes? Let’s ask the ladies.
These days women across generational divides, races, and industries are banding together to empower one another and fight for equality in women’s issues and beyond. But, they don’t think they should be doing it alone.

hey mama, we know you’re more than a mom
Motherhood can be defining. It can be exceptional. It can be transformative. It isn’t everything. The pre-motherhood self does not simply evaporate, replaced by selfless devotion to others and instant knowledge of laundry cycles, sheet pan dinners, and where the extra AA batteries are. That person is still in there. And advertisers would be wise to appeal to her.

Calling All Women Over 40!
Quick! Think of your three favorite ads that show the marketers really "get" the 40+ woman.