Women Over 40: Is this a Moment or a Movement?
Fancy POV Katie Keating Fancy POV Katie Keating

Women Over 40: Is this a Moment or a Movement?

Here’s the thing though: women over 40, 50, 60, 70, etc are not having a moment. They are accelerating a movement. They are not fading into the background, quietly retiring (as if!) and re-doing the living room drapes. Women have never been more engaged, more motivated, more in control of their lives than they are today.

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Women over 40 aren’t who you think they are.
Fancy POV, Fancy research Katie Keating Fancy POV, Fancy research Katie Keating

Women over 40 aren’t who you think they are.

80% of women over 40 feel younger, cooler, or sexier than they expected they’d feel at this age.

Eighty percent. That’s a lot of women who aren’t interested in reliving their youth (misspent or not!). That’s a lot of women who are looking forward to life, not back at it. And, that’s a lot of women who aren’t going to be influenced by advertising playing (and preying) on their insecurities, fears, and anxieties.

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Let’s be honest here.
Fancy POV Katie Keating Fancy POV Katie Keating

Let’s be honest here.

Women over 40 have seen and heard a lot. They’ve been bombarded by messages from advertisers, Hollywood, magazines (because women over 40 actually read magazines!), men, mothers and mothers-in-law. They’ve received criticism masquerading as advice. Advice sold as a must-do. And opinions laid out as fact. 

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hey mama, we know you’re more than a mom
Fancy research, Fancy POV Katie Keating Fancy research, Fancy POV Katie Keating

hey mama, we know you’re more than a mom

Motherhood can be defining. It can be exceptional. It can be transformative. It isn’t everything. The pre-motherhood self does not simply evaporate, replaced by selfless devotion to others and instant knowledge of laundry cycles, sheet pan dinners, and where the extra AA batteries are. That person is still in there. And advertisers would be wise to appeal to her.

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Brands: here’s How to talk to women over 40.
Fancy POV Katie Keating Fancy POV Katie Keating

Brands: here’s How to talk to women over 40.

Here’s what’s true: women over 40 have money -- and they spend it. They’re not afraid to try new brands, and when those brands work for them, they stay loyal. Not only that, but they tell their friends about these brands and give them to each other as gifts, creating a virtuous cycle of new customers and fans over 40.

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What I want for Mother’s Day
Fancy POV Katie Keating Fancy POV Katie Keating

What I want for Mother’s Day

Here is the kind of advertising I hope to encounter in my social feed on Sunday when someone brings me a cappuccino and an almond croissant in bed (hint, hint!), what I’d like to see when I treat myself to a pedicure and get 45 minutes to myself to flip through fashion magazines, what I wish would grab my attention from those cool video triptychs that are popping up all over the subway.

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