New Work Alert: True Love by Lion’s Den

This year for our Valentine’s date with Lion’s Den we pivoted (to use the word of the year) away from our trademark absurdity to get romantic with real couples, real relationships, and real love.

All the couples share a willingness to be open, and their candid reactions underscore that experimentation will only serve to enhance their relationship and sexual experience. This campaign uses tender humor, emotional connection, and even sex-loving over 50s to remind us that pleasure, passion, and romance are (and should be!) a normal part of everyday life.

This is the first time Lion’s Den is widening the age range featured in their creative to include a couple in their 50’s. Eric and Deborah are well into their sixth decade, an age not typically associated with sex toy purchasers. In reality, though, a recent study published on AARP indicates 60% of women and 40% of men over the age of 50, use sex toys individually, or as a couple. Once again Lion’s Den is pushing the envelope by acknowledging the real-life reality that sex happens and the better it is, the better it is. 


How do you categorize women over 40? You don’t.


5 Ways Brand Marketers Can Connect Meaningfully With Women over 40—and 1 Way They Can’t.