Working Works at Fancy
While on a panel at the Ad Age Small Agency Conference last month I was asked why Fancy was deliberately set up a bit differently from the typical agency model of FTEs, butts-in-seats, show-up-Sunday-or-don’t-bother-Monday.
Well, we’re building the agency we always wanted to work for but never could find.

ten years of thanks
We all know running a small business isn’t for the faint of heart. 20% fail in the first year, 50% but the fifth year, and at the 10-year mark, a milestone Fancy just reached, only 33% are still around.
And I’m so thankful.

10 Is A Magic Number
It seems like a day. And also like one million years. But one thing we know for certain is that Fancy’s ten trips around the track wouldn't have been near as fun or as thrilling without our Fancy family of clients, colleagues, and creative friends. Thank you all for inspiring us, pushing us, and most of all, for believing in us.

Keepin’ it quirky
If you come to our office, you’ll need to join #thefancybookclub. So demands Fancy co-founder, Erica Fite.